3 gunning road, Abakaliki, Ebonyi state +234-8065845092 info@goodisoft.com

E-Voting System

The E-voting system is a software that is actively in use by the Student Union Government (SUG) of Alex-Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ebonyi State. The institution used the application during the SUG election to enable the student to cast their votes peacefully. The software is known for its transparency. It has the following features; Voter registration, real-time vote count, USSD for OTVP retrieval, Agent dashboard, SMS and email functionality, and much more. Feel free to contact us for more inquiries about the system.

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Findhouz is a real estate application that connects property owners to potential buyers and renters. The property owners/agents list different properties and the potential buyers and renters can search the properties in the application. Agents/property owners have to create an account. Click the link below to visit the site for more information.

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No : 3 gunning road, Abakaliki, Ebonyi state


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